Recently, I finished the book "Respectable Sins: Confronting the Sins we Tolerate" by Jerry Bridges. The book begins by approaching the magnitude of sin, something that is so often left out in today's society. However, we must also realize that just as much as the cross was done by us and by our sins, it was also done for us. So there is this beautiful balance between acknowledging our sin and embracing Christ as our mediator. (Lots of this terminology regarding the cross comes from C. J. Mahaney books and sermons). Jerry Bridges then launches into respectable sins, those sins we so often lose sight of in the big picture sins (abortion, homosexuality, etc.). But just as real, and just as grave in that they separate us from God, are sins like anger, envy, judgmentalism, ungodliness (the root of all sin), pride, etc. If God is allowed to work through the book, it is a humbling experience. I encourage all Christians everywhere to read the book as it is simply phenomenal.
In Nathan's music world, tomorrow I will be seeing the Hold Steady in downtown Chicago with Sam. The Hold Steady confronts the drug, alcohol, sex, and religious scenes head on, singing of stories of hopelessness and helplessness. But instead of leaving it at that, the Hold Steady sings of redemption (such as in my favorite song of theirs, How a Resurrection Really Feels). And they write some of the best lyrics (period). Check this excerpt out from How a Resurrection Really Feels: