Since this is my first blog entry of March, I must say "Welcome, spring." After coming from the snowy Boston, Grand Rapids, normally a harbor of crappy weather, feels so splendidly nice. On a related note, I entered a Newbury Comics shop in Boston, expecting to be disappointed with the large amount of stocked comics and little amount of anything I'm actually interested in. Instead, I found a huge selection of new and used CD's and was in the shop for nearly 45 minutes.
As if an already dull story couldn't sound anymore less interesting, I left with Neko Case's new album and Blitzen Trapper's newest album in hand. Owning Fox Confessor and Blacklisted, I was never a huge fan of Neko Case. In fact, I listened to those albums a few times after I saw her in concert and then not again. However, after only a few listens, Middle Cyclone (Neko's aformentioned newest) has thoroughly enticed me. While her voice is not what draws me in, her clever melodies and fantastic lyric writing make the song incredible. The most notable songs are Prison Girls, Fever, and Middle Cyclone. The least notable song in my opinion is Never Turn Your Back on Mother Earth, a cover that Neko should have turned her back on. In addition, the last track is a thirty minute sound session of the crickets around her Vermont farm. I don't know whether it was an attempt to be artsy, but it is completely uninteresting. However, there are still 13 other tracks that will thoroughly entice you.
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