I think that one of the questions a Christian faces in his or her life constantly is that of Where is God amidst what seems to be prevailing evils? We see this afresh in the disaster that hit Haiti. So upset, we often question the goodness of God, or if there even is a God. Or, if there is a God, He must not have fully conquered evil, and, if he hasn't conquered it yet--will He ever?
A book I read over break and encourage every Christian to read is "Spectacular Sins And their Global Purpose in the Glory of Christ" by John Piper. It's short and I think one could easily read it within half a day. But it allows for a great deal of reflection.
In the book, John talks about Colossians 1:15-16, which says: "He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation. For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers of authorities--all things were created through him and for him." Paul knows full well that these "rulers" and "authorities" include evil supernatural powers. As Piper says, "Therefore, when Paul says 'rulers [and] authorities' were created by Christ and for Christ, he means that they were created knowing what they would become and how it is that precisely in that evil role they would glorify Christ--knowing everything they would become, they were created for the glory of Christ" (pg. 35).
Therefore, whether God causes or permits evil to happen (which He does so without sinning), it is so that His glory may shine forth. While much of this remains a mystery, God has chosen this way of working in the world to bring Himself the most glory. And it must be said that since everything is created by Christ and for Christ, God is sovereign over all evils.
I have rambled and wish that everything that is not of Christ would be forgotten. But I encourage everyone (Christian and non-Christian) to read this book. The Sovereignty of God is not mere intellectual fuel, but a precious truth that is to be applied and fleshed out in our lives.
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