Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Where could I go but to the Lord?

While feeding my brain with (too much) cell biology, I've been filling my soul with gospel gems. Namely, two of the greatest albums ever made. That you should, by now, own. If not, just follow the links I've so generously provided:

Mavis Staples - You are not alone
Ben Harper & the Blind Boys of Alabama - There will be a light

Also, there are parts of various songs on There will be a light that I couldn't help but sing aloud in the supermarket tonight. So, I hope I brightened your day, fellow customers.

Friday, November 19, 2010

The Promise

"At twenty-seven, that is what I'd hoped for, that I'd written something that would continue to fill me with purpose and meaning in the years to come, that would continue to mean something to me and to you. The original "Darkness on the Edge of Town" has done that for me and I hope it's done that for you as well. I owe the choices we made then and that young man their respect." -Bruce, on the songs picked for "Darkness"

Seriously, y'all should go pick up a copy of "The Promise," two CD's jam-packed with songs Bruce Springsteen made, but didn't make the 'cut' for "Darkness." The album's a rare treat on the ears and well worth your money and time.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Memoirs, Biopics, and Leo Tolstoy.

"A doctrinaire known for his "heartless indifference to human contingencies," Chertkov made it his mission to bring Tolstoy's entire life and work into accord with the principles of Tolstoyanism. He became Tolstoy's constant companion, and eventually gained editorial control over all his new writings--including the diaries, which treated the Tolstoy's conjugal life in great detail. Sonya [Tolstoy] never forgave her husband. The Tolstoys began to fight constantly, long into the night. Their shouting and sobbing would make the walls shake. Tolstoy would bellow that he was fleeing to America; Sonya would run screaming into the garden, threatening suicide. According to Tolstoy's secretary, Chertkov was succeeding in his plan: to achieve "the moral destruction of Tolstoy's wife in order to get control of his manuscripts." During this stormy period in his marriage, Tolstoy wrote The Kreutzer Sonata--a novella in which a husband resembling Tolstoy brutally murders a wife resembling Sonya. Anyone investigating foul play in the death of Tolstoy would find much of interest in The Kreutzer Sonata." -Elif Batuman, The Possessed

After reading a string of great memoirs, 'Waiting for Snow in Havana' is so cynical and poorly written that I don't think I'm going to finish it. While I wait for my next read to arrive, I started to think about how much I loved Batuman's gem of a memoir. Two things: I'm actually really upset I missed Batuman at Boston College in October and I'm stoked to relax and watch a movie for the first time in a while. That movie, fittingly, will be the Leo Tolstoy biopic, The Last Station.

Thursday, November 4, 2010


I'm rotating in the coolest lab ever. The other students are so chill and Dr. Gursky knows her stuff. Quick example of why our lab is awesome: today, the fire alarm went off while I was working with the postdoc in the lab on making SUV's (Small Unilamellar Vesicles). As the safety officer in the lab, the postdoc tried to 'wait it out' so we could get more work done. Alas, we had to evacuate as we were called out by the department chairman.

but...I left at 5:30 perplexed by this terribly written, but crucial part of the paper I present next week. I thought about it the whole way home and for hours after that, rifling through paper after paper on the topic. And then the mathematical breakthrough came at 11:30! This sounds so lame to explain, but let's just say I might have ended up like Sheldon in the ball pit if things didn't click. well, maybe not. also, this is one of the cheesiest fan videos I've ever seen. what are we coming to?

finally, James Murphy (LCD Soundsystem) is a lyrical and musical genius. and I love recruiting actors/actresses for music videos. but I don't know how I feel about his new music video. creative, but weird.