Thursday, November 4, 2010


I'm rotating in the coolest lab ever. The other students are so chill and Dr. Gursky knows her stuff. Quick example of why our lab is awesome: today, the fire alarm went off while I was working with the postdoc in the lab on making SUV's (Small Unilamellar Vesicles). As the safety officer in the lab, the postdoc tried to 'wait it out' so we could get more work done. Alas, we had to evacuate as we were called out by the department chairman.

but...I left at 5:30 perplexed by this terribly written, but crucial part of the paper I present next week. I thought about it the whole way home and for hours after that, rifling through paper after paper on the topic. And then the mathematical breakthrough came at 11:30! This sounds so lame to explain, but let's just say I might have ended up like Sheldon in the ball pit if things didn't click. well, maybe not. also, this is one of the cheesiest fan videos I've ever seen. what are we coming to?

finally, James Murphy (LCD Soundsystem) is a lyrical and musical genius. and I love recruiting actors/actresses for music videos. but I don't know how I feel about his new music video. creative, but weird.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

I think Sheldon in the ball pit is one of my favorite moments ever. It's up there with him singing Soft Kitty with Penny after she dislocated her shoulder. :)