"How can you live with the terrifying thought that the hurricane has become human, that fire has become flesh, that life itself became life and walked in our midst? Christianity either means that, or it means nothing. It is either the most devastating disclosure of the deepest reality of the world, or it is a sham, a nonsense, a bit of deceitful playacting. Most of us, unable to cope with saying either of those things, condemn ourselves to live in the shallow world in between."
-N.T. Wright
Chew on this. Read it several times. It should be smacking you upside the head, hopefully in a wonderfully challenging way as it has me.

Second, my recent individual worship has led me back to wonderfully rich hymns. The thing I miss most about not ending up in Louisville is Mike Cosper and Sojourn Community Church, what a blessing. That's what makes the opening worship night of TGC so epic.
More importantly, I recommend you download these two worship albums for free:
Page CXVI's hymns sampler, including one of the most beautiful, unique versions of 'Be Thou My Vision.'
And Ascend the Hill's hymns project. Do it, it's free so I almost guarantee you won't regret it.
P.S. get this when it comes out, it will be the most amazing worship CD you've perhaps ever heard. Right now, volume I holds that spot in my book.
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